Personal posts, Well Being & Mental Health

Let’s Talk (Time to Talk 2018)

So today is time to talk day - the initiative started by Time to Change to get more people talking about mental health. It's a great campaign, and one which I've taken part in previously. This year, I'm gonna get even more real and honest than before. I have never been diagnosed with a mental illness,… Continue reading Let’s Talk (Time to Talk 2018)

Well Being & Mental Health

I Have Mental Health (and so do you)

Today is Time to Talk Day from the folks over at Time to Change. Across the UK they're asking everyone to take just 5 minutes to talk about mental health. It could be with a family member, friend, colleague, even a stranger at the bus stop! (Though be careful with that last one...) This happens every year, I wrote… Continue reading I Have Mental Health (and so do you)